Hudson Studio
8313 Monroe Road
Lambertville, MI 48144
Phone : 734.856.5610 office
419.277.0103 cell
Facebook: Hudson Studio of Photography
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In the many years of my existence in photography, I have had five studio locations, all but one was commercial offices, and I was restricted to the space and the rules of that space.
In 2006, I decided to purchase a 114-year-old home with a big yard and a huge "garage" that was remodeled into a portrait studio. The yard was transformed from a blank slate to a beautiful formal English garden with a pond and a gazebo and trees and thousands of flowers. I love it and I can do anything I want to it, without having to ask or fit into the rules of a sterile commercial site. It's not huge or fancy and there are no pretenses, but when you walk in, you'll feel as if you walked into a movie from back in the 30's, with its cottage style, fireplace, and bookcases. I was watching an old movie and fell in love with the home and decided that I needed another experience and purchased a reciprocating saw. Oh, boy. lol. "All's well that ends well" is the quote of the day.
So, when you are looking for the studio, look for an old Craftsman bungalow style home in "Historic Lambertville" that is surrounded by flowers, and you'll find us. We're about 3 miles from the Michigan/Ohio line just off of Secor Rd. =)
'Hope to see you soon!